With warmer weather right around the corner, it is almost time for that yearly spring clean. It is important to keep your home clean but more so around springtime, especially for those prone to allergies. So, let’s take a look at how to make your spring cleaning a breeze!

1. Make a checklist
The first step in spring cleaning is determining which areas of your home need to be cleaned or decluttered. That is when creating a checklist ¹ comes into play. It helps to make the cleaning and decluttering process less overwhelming. Being able to cross off a task, whether big or small, will help motivate you as you are cleaning.
2. Watch what ingredients you use
Whether you are trying to clean with fewer chemicals, reduce your chance of allergies, or just save some money, cleaning with homemade non-toxic cleaning products could be the way to go. Using more natural cleaning products is not only better for your environment but also for your health. ² When you stop using such harsh cleaning products you can reduce your exposure to these chemicals that have been linked to respiratory problems, skin irritation, and even cancer. ³
If you are looking for a general non-toxic cleaner, see the recipe below from Rebecca Jones at Southern Living, all from ingredients that you can find in your kitchen. ⁴ This cleaning solution can be used on various surfaces, such as countertops, appliances, sinks, stovetops, and cabinets.
What You Will Need
Plastic or glass spray bottle
Isopropyl Alcohol, better known as rubbing alcohol.
Distilled or tap water.
Dish detergent ⁴
How To Make It
Use a small funnel to add one cup of alcohol and three cups of water to the spray bottle.
Swirl to combine and add five drops of dish detergent to the bottle.
Swirl again until the dish detergent drops disappear in the mixture and begin to spray on surfaces.
3. Improve your indoor air quality
While you may think of only removing the dust and dander that you can see, making sure to remove the airborne pollutants that live in your home is just as important. These airborne pollutants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores can often trigger allergies, respiratory issues, and other health concerns. ⁵
You can make your indoor air quality better by changing out your filters, such as those in your car, vacuum, air purifier, HVAC, and many more, along with getting an air purifier. An air purifier will be the ultimate help since it works to remove an unwanted air pollutant and odors that you cannot do yourself. ⁶
4. Protect yourself while cleaning
No matter what you are cleaning with you need to protect yourself while cleaning. You could be exposed to harmful chemicals from either the cleaning products, dust particles, or potential allergens. Safety is key when cleaning, so make sure to always follow label instructions on cleaning products, wear gloves and safety glasses, ensure good ventilation, and avoid mixing certain chemicals that might create toxic fumes. ⁷
If you are exposed to chemicals while cleaning, such as on your skin or in your eyes, begin by flushing with lukewarm water, then call your local Drug and Poison Information Center. The main United States number for poison control is 800-222-1222. ⁸
5. Let spring cleaning set a new tone
Spring cleaning can allow you to set a new tone and mindset in your life by cleaning, organizing, and decluttering your space. It may also help your health by reducing stress, boosting immunity, improving your mood, helping prevent injuries, and can lead to more relaxing sleep. According to UCLA research, those with messy homes have more cortisol, a hormone the body produces in response to stress. ⁹
By creating a checklist and just getting started, you’re not only cleaning your space but helping your overall health.