---- Secured by Paubox - HITRUST CSF Certified https://www.paubox.com ---- MIDTOWN TULSA | GenScripts Pharmacy - Proudly Serving Oklahoma and Florida Residents
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Midtown Tulsa GenScripts


Phone: (918) 835-2112

Fax: (918) 828-9778

3980 South Hudson

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135

Store Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

get to know us


I received my Bachelor of Science from Rogers State University in Claremore, OK and finished my Doctorate of Pharmacy at the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy in Tulsa. I was fortunate enough to receive an intern position with GenScripts Pharmacy during my final year of school in 2017. I went on to become a pharmacist and then a pharmacy manager at the GenScripts Tulsa location. I have always appreciated being able to help my patients find affordable medication options and overcome the problems that traditional pharmacies face. It is truly a blessing to serve the Tulsa community.


I am a full-time dog foster for Legacy of Hope Dog Rescue and a volunteer at the Tulsa Day Center on my days off. I enjoy playing recreational sports and my ideal day is spent on the water in the sunshine. 

Sara - GenScrips Midtown Tulsa Location Store Manager


I received my Doctor of Pharmacy from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 2004. I have been practicing pharmacy in the retail setting as a staff pharmacist and pharmacy manager with experience in compounding and immunizations. I have enjoyed serving the Tulsa community for almost 20 years.

I have been married to my husband for 20 years and we have two children, ages 10 and 14. I spend most of my free time chasing my children around watching them play sports. I also enjoy running, reading and spending time at the lake with my friends and family!



get a hold of us right now

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